Cricket club constitution template

Document overview

England & Wales

- Length:15 pages (2000 words)
- Available in:
Microsoft Word DOCX
Apple Pages

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Create a modern constitution for your cricket club
Write a constitution for your club - a set of terms and conditions or rules of membership. The template covers all the standard points you would expect in such a document as well as matters specific to cricket clubs such as ground ownership and supply of alcohol licensing.
It has been written in such a way to be easy to edit. You can change or remove any provision that isn't applicable to the way your club works.
Ideally, a constitution should be put in place when the club is first set up. However, you might also be looking to replace an existing or informal constitution for an established club when a new management structure is required or when documentation is needed to enter into contracts with suppliers.
This document can be adapted to suit most cricket clubs. Your club may be small, rent grounds and use the local pub for after match socialising, or it may be large with its own grounds, clubhouse, cafe and bar.
Why having a written constitution is beneficial
Most cricket clubs are formed as unincorporated associations. Being 'unincorporated', simply means that the club has not been registered as a company.
Being unincorporated has advantages, in that a club is easy to set-up and to administer, and disadvantages, in that you have no legal identity beyond that of the individual members. The implication is that the members are personally responsible for any debts or obligations that arise.
Controlling the personal liability of members (particularly committee members) is therefore one of the strongest reasons to have a formal constitution. If you, as a member, are liable for decisions made by another member, you’ll want to make sure that decisions are made in your interest.
Although in law you are not required to have a constitution, in practice, having one safeguards the interests of members against each other, and provides clear guidelines as to how the association will work. It is likely to reduce the possibility of disagreement over how the club is managed, ensuring the on-going success of the organisation.
You are also likely to find that other businesses with whom you work: sponsors, suppliers, banks and landlords are more likely to give your club the same terms or level of service as they would other businesses - rather than treating you as a group of individuals.
Alternative documents
We also provide other, similar documents for slightly different circumstances:
We offer a standard set of rules for a club that covers some different matters to the document here.
Alternatively, you may want to look at some of our other tailored association constitutions.
This template gives you a flexible framework for a comprehensive set of rules and regulations for your club. Written in plain English language, it can easily be adapted to your requirements - all sections are optional. We include explanatory notes to guide you with completion.
The document includes the following sections:
- Name and objects of club
- Types of membership
- Qualifications for membership
- Admission of ordinary members
- Delay in taking up membership
- Entrance fee and subscription
- Payment of subscriptions: when and how
- Subscriptions in arrears
- Resignation, expulsion and bankruptcy of members
- Effect of ceasing to be a member
- General Management Committee: election, meetings, vacancies and so on
- Proposal of candidates
- Order of election and procedure after election
- Sub-committees
- Secretary and other employees
- Borrowing and other powers
- Annual general meeting
- Meetings: when, where, special procedures and so on
- Audit of accounts
- Opening of club premises
- Permitted hours for the supply of alcohol
- Members not to make profit out of club
- Purchase and supply of alcohol
- Interpretation and amendment of rules
- Dissolution
- Other provisions to protect your interests

Recent reviews
Your document is exhaustive and covers every aspect. I will take what we need from it, particularly in the "powers" section, probably cutting down the wording to fit. The only thing that might have been expanded is the coverage of "trustees", purpose of, duties etc.
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